Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And Manly departs...

July 23,2006..Manly leaves to US for his Phd in UAT..
Every individual has a breaking point in his life, where he stops.. looks behind at his life...changes his path n tries to amend the mistakes he did so far in the journey ahead..I doubt if i would ever have one, as my life is made up only and solely of mistakes and nothing else :)
And tats wot manly i believe symbolises...He transformed to evrybody's astonishment after the Prez debacle in bits...n started pinning only on his career after that..
We guys were quite pissed off with that iitially, but got used to it later..
As kuka said in one of the booze sessions, U will be driven to a stage in life when you wud be tired of running behind things that fascinates you now...n look arnd the world arnd you..
Hope it is not to late that one realises that the world was always there beside you , and jus that we preferred to ignore it then..
All the best da Manly...As i have always said,U deserve a phd n never settle down for anything less..
C ya..

There goes my first blog!!!!

So after much of a deliberation.. A few pauses and the use of a bacspace time n again..i have decided to stick on to this version of blog renaming the older verion tat existed.Probably first time visitors of this blog would find the above lines quite strange.This blog is gonna traverse time alongside me..Its not gonna divulge into anything personal..Its jus gonna walk alongside me holding my hand , commenting on the moments of today and memories of tomorrow. Apparently the heading of the blog is a big misnomer, as this is just the first scribble in my new blog rather than as the heading cites.I simply love blogging ( rather writing diary few years bac). But writing diary has its own share of charm over it ..The smell of paper,the dryness of the ink,the differnet strokes of the pen tat scribbled...Scribbles..Its a funny word rite..U dont think when u scribble..U feel it..Tat the paper lands up in the dustbin is a different thing altogether..
Ahem!!Mission Accomplished!!!
And there i have ended up writing my first blog w/o trying to make any sense..;)